Congregational Survey

As we begin 2025, the Elders are requesting that all members of the congregation complete a survey. This survey is intended to gauge interest, understand areas of involvement, and provide input for long term planning to support the needs of the congregation.
We covet your feedback and support at all times, but we would like to take this opportunity to collect a more comprehensive set of feedback.


While the survey is anonymous, we request that each member only complete the survey one time.
We look forward to the insight into areas of concern and opportunities for growth. 
In His Service, 
The Elders

VBS Registration

Vacation Bible School is upon us and to help things run smoothly, you can now pre-register your kids on our new registration page.

Ecuador Mission Cover

Ecuador Mission Update – 2023

Ecuador Mission Cover
Check out the Missions page to learn more about the most recent campaign to Ecuador!